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The Rest Series

I come to you today, believe it or not, in my bed; notebook on my lap, tea on my nightstand ( I am convinced this is where ALL the classics originated from). Seems fitting when the topic at hand is rest.

I literally sat down in my bed to write this post and fell asleep after writing once sentence. I immediately could not keep my eyes open and the only thing I could focus on was my comfy pillow and down comforter.

Do you love sleep as much as I do?

I am having a pretty light week at work and today I decided to leave early, come home and get all of the things on my to-do list done while the girls were at school (this almost NEVER happens, right mama?)

So I proceeded to fold laundry, pay bills, sweep the floor, organize the office and got very sleepy in the process. Resting for just a few minutes had crossed my mind but soon after I was hit with a sudden wave of guilt. Do you ever feel that wave? Ya know the one that blindsides you the second you are going to stop all the "doing" and start listening to what your body is telling you?

I feel that wave frequently, especially when it comes to doing things that feel good or are fun instead of things that NEED to get done. It sweeps me over and makes me believe I haven't done enough, I haven't earned it, I am not yet worthy of the break, the rest, the peace. I think of all the things that lie before me and instead of listening to my body, I push through.

Well today, the nap won.

I chose to listen to my body over staying prisoner to my mind. As I began writing this post, it occurred to me, the problem with rest is mental. It is our mindset, our belief system, the patterns that have been passed down from our families.

Now it is true that some of us need more rest than others but our ability to meet our own needs in this area starts with our own mindset and what we allow ourselves to believe about rest as well as our worthiness around it.

This month, I am dedicating my writing and teaching to the topic of rest; what we believe and feel about it, why it's important, how to get more of it and how to really tune into your body to hear the signals that you might need a break.

Before you go today, Write in the comments or hit reply and tell me about how you rest (or don't), as well as the problems you face when it comes to making sure you get enough of it.

Also before you go, I wanted to let you know that I have officially LAUNCHED the Self Care Workbook and it is available on the website as well.

Journaling Idea: Brainstorm all of the words, thoughts and images you have surrounding the word rest. See what triggers, themes and ideas come up for you. This is a great way to learn themes about your beliefs and help you create a vision for what you want your rest to be like.

Can't wait to check in with you next week!

With Love,


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