Changing your perspective and an exciting announcement!
Hey friend!
I was at the gym yesterday. I had just finished my strength training and was on the bike for the last thirty minutes. I was feeling SO confident, strong and proud which isn't always the case for me at the gym and has definitely been a huge shift in my mentality and attitude over the years.
A few years ago you might have found me running on the treadmill, counting the calories burned so that I can go out to eat that night, or trying to get rid of the muffin top around my pant line.
The difference is, I stopped trying to change my body and I started appreciating it. I began speaking kindly about myself and focused on how I felt instead of how I looked.
This didn't happen over night for me, it was a day in, day out process of reading books, saying affirmations, journaling, and shutting out the noise of the world that constantly told me I needed to look different.
Start small.
Throw away your scale. Start a journal. Find an affirmation that works for you. But begin to shift your focus from wanting to change your body, to appreciating the wonderfulness that is YOU and all of the things your body allows you do it.
Okay, onto my news.
I have been working very hard on a project the past few weeks and it so so close to being ready for you, I can hardly wait!
It is a tool to help YOU create your own self-care strategy and plan in the form of a printable workbook.
I broke down the steps I took as a new mama who was struggling daily to feel good in my skin and make sure ALL areas of myself were being cared for (by me).
I also used this model after my brother passed away and I needed to pull myself out of the deep pit of grief and I have also revisited these steps since my father has gotten sick and my life was once again turned up-side down.
It's not just for moms, or grief healing. It is for the everyday woman who busts her tail taking care of her family and job and at the end of the day is left empty, tired and stuck.
This amazing workbook will be available in ONE WEEK from today and the most exciting part is that there will be an option to purchase a one hour planning session with me, by your side, helping you find clarity in your self care needs and plan.
I am so excited to offer REAL help to you to help you build a life that makes you feel FULL, PROUD and HAPPY.
With Love,
P.S. Hit reply and tell me what questions you would have for me in a coaching session. What would an hour of self care help mean to you? What would bring you the most value?